Actief USP

Healthy Mind

A healthy body is directly linked to a healthy mind. Things as mindfulness, meditation and breathing exercises lead to stress reduction and relaxation, which then again has a positive influence on your body, your sporting performances, but also your work performance! But did you know you can also apply these things during exercise? This way you can work simultaneously on a healthy body and a healthy mind.
A relaxed mind can lead to lower blood pressure and a better sleep quality. On top of that, meditation techniques can ensure more concentration and more creative and faster thinking.


A lot of people associate meditation with somewhat floating situations, but you can also enter ‘into the now’ during a (lunch) walk or bike ride by focusing on your breathing or for example the sound of your feet or treadles. This focus can also be used among other forms of sports: when you’re going for a run or doing bootcamp, try focusing more on your breathing, during the belly blaster try concentrating more on the movement of your muscles or enjoy the tranquillity during a yoga class in the Botanical Gardens. Have a look in the calendar to participate freely in these activities. Or come at ease at the office with these breathing exercises.


Ohu, E., Laguda, E., & Ogunyemi, K. (2018). Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: Managing Workplace Stress. In: Dhiman S., Roberts G., Crossman J. The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
